the arkive

  • Love and Rockets - 5 cd box

Love and Rockets

5 cd box

Beggars Banquet
Released 13 May 2013
BBQCD 2102

With limited rack space available, few stores can stock artist’s catalogues in depth. Equally it’s increasingly difficult for labels to justify manufacturing the slower selling titles. Most acts have one or two titles in their catalogue that sell regularly but it’s inevitable that other titles have a more limited demand. To combat this, and keep albums available digitally in a higher sound quality format, Beggars Archive released a series of 5 Album CD box sets. The sets are targeted at both fans and casual buyers who are interested in the artists but may not know their work in depth.

This Love and Rockets set collects the band’s ’80s albums — Seventh Dream of Teenage Heaven, Express, Earth.Sun.Moon and Love and Rockets, each with bonus tracks from previous reissues — plus a new compilation called Assorted! that features the Swing! and Bubblemen EPs, six live tracks, a stray B-side and the previously unreleased song “Sorted.”